Finest Cuban Cigars For Sale
Davidoff Puro D’Oro Collection
A simple yet sophisticated way to sample a variety of premium handmade cigar styles from Davidoff’s prestigious Puro d’Oro selection, the Davidoff Collection 4’s sampler also makes a thoughtful gift for the fellow fan of fine cigars.
Each handmade premium cigar in the Davidoff Collection 4’s sampler is finished with a an alluringly oily lush and medium-brown Yamasá wrapper leaf exclusive to Davidoff and an abundance of dense and gripping smoke from its earthy tobacco blend accented by bold and zesty coffee and cocoa notes.
When shopping to buy Davidoff premium handmade luxury cigars online, why not opt for a four-cigar array that allows you to sample, smoke, and savor?
- 1 Sublimes Natural
- 1 Deliciosos
- 1 Magnificos
- 1 Notables