Davidoff Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto is a strong, full-flavored cigar worthy of your time. Made with the experienced smoker in mind, this is one of the available sizes. Moreover, a Nicaraguan puro consisting of a Nicaraguan Habano Jalapa binder, Nicaraguan filler, and a gorgeous Nicaraguan Habano Oscuro wrapper. Additionally, it is exceptional as it incorporates tobaccos enriched by the fiery earth near Nicaragua’s forty volcanoes. This timeless blend is bittersweet – smooth tastes of dark chocolate and roasted coffee throughout the smoke. Certainly, perfect to pair with a glass of sweet Dominican rum. So, grab your favorite brand and one of these cigars for an exquisite evening. Available at Cigar Country, directly from the Dominican Republic!
Furthermore, Zino Davidoff created this spectacular brand and carried out the production of cigars in Cuba until 1990. Then, production moved to the Dominican Republic under the supervision of the master blenders. The Davidoff Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto debuted in 2013. Also, this was the first blend to incorporate non-Dominican-grown tobacco since their relocation to the Dominican Republic! The Davidoff brand is worldwide, embracing various cultures and traditions. Undoubtedly, Davidoff embraced diversity and inclusivity, even in his cigars. Travel the world from the comfort of your home with Davidoff, and try all of their cigars: Brazil, Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. Add a cigar from each country to your humidor – let the adventures commence!
Product Details
Product Type: Premium handmade cigars.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto incorporates Nicaraguan tobacco in all aspects of the cigar.
Strength Profile: Full body.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “Davidoff Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto is a bittersweet cigar, perfect for any occasion. The combination of flavors is like a melody on your tongue – soothing and smooth.”
Accolades: Cigar Dojo awarded Davidoff Nicaragua a 92 point rating.
Created In: 2013
Made In: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Hendrik “Henke” Kelner
Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG
If you are interested in other sizes in this blend by this brand, please visit Davidoff Nicaragua. However, to view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Lastly, to return to the homepage, click here.