Finest Cuban Cigars For Sale
Davidoff Escurio Robusto Cello
Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, we at Davidoff continue our mission to allow the modern aficionado to experience innovative, unique blends and unforgettable cigars. That mission led us to craft an exciting Brazilian cigar that delivers an intense, spicy sweet palate stimulation, coupled with the signature Davidoff refinement and sophistication.
We found our inspiration in Rio, the soul of Brazil, and in the rhythms, intrigue, and rich experiences of its nights. And, just like an adventurous evening in this vibrant city, this complex and original cigar will carry you along on a taste adventure with unexpected twists and turns. Allow us to introduce to you, the Davidoff Escurio.
Rhythm. Intrigue. Originality.
This exceptionally entertaining cigar(Davidoff Escurio Robusto Cello) is a journey into new stimulations and sensations. Each Escurio cigar mixes the Cubra leaves – the fire of the Cuban Criollo refined – and the dark Brazilian Mata Fina leaf pulsating at the heart of this original blend of tobaccos. Dominican filler tobaccos and Ecuadorian wrapper add a beautiful balance to this unique cigar.
From the beginning, the blend intrigues when spice meets sweet as chilli pepper plays with softer, creamy notes. This is soon complemented in the second third by flavours of oak, liquorice, fruit, salt and leather. Lastly coffee and chilli chocolate flavours arrive culminating in a finale of charming complexity. The cigar is constantly changing in flavours and triggers a new taste experience with twists and turns.
The Brazilian-inspired Davidoff Escurio has been voted Best of the Best 2016 in the leisure category “cigars” by Robb Report. For nearly 40 years, the Robb Report Magazine has served as the definitive authority on connoisseurship, showcasing products and services available from the most prestigious brands around the globe. For connoisseurs seeking the very best that life has to offer, Robb Report remains the essential luxury resource.
In the world of cigars, Brazil is mostly known for its dark tobacco, called Mata Fina tobacco. Mata Fina is a sun-grown tobacco which is typically made into wrappers and used for premium, long filler cigars by many cigar producers in the Caribbean and Central America.
Each Escurio cigar mixes the Cubra leaf – the fire of the Cuban Criollo refined – and the Brazilian Mata Fina leaf pulsing at the heart of this inspired blend of tobaccos. Dominican tobaccos and Ecuadorian wrapper add beautiful balance.