Finest Cuban Cigars For Sale
Davidoff Escurio Petit Robusto
Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, Davidoff continues the mission to allow the modern aficionado to experience innovative, unique blends and unforgettable cigars. That mission led to craft an exciting Brazilian cigar that delivers intense, spicy sweet palate stimulation, coupled with the signature Davidoff refinement and sophistication. Davidoff Escurio is comprised of several different tobaccos.
The wrapper is a dark Ecuadorian Habano. The binder is a flavorful Brazilian Cubra, The filler is Dominican San Vicente, Piloto and Olor/Piloto Seco, and Brazilian Cubra and Mata Fina. The complexity of this cigar will be like none other.
Buy Davidoff Escurio Cigars online from, the leader in Discount Cigar Prices. Shop our site today for the Best Cigar Prices on the Net! Always shipped Fast & Fresh right to your door.