Finest Cuban Cigars For Sale
Cohiba Siglo II Pack of 3 Tubos
The Cohiba Siglo II is somewhat of an outcast in the Cohiba family, yet they are special and feisty which is the thing that we like. Uniqueness in a stick is significant and the private inclination of the individual is a solid deciding variable in the decision of a stogie. On the off chance that you like smooth, slick coverings and a hot woodiness in the smoke then this is the stogie for you.
Cohiba Siglo II Pack of 3 Tubos Presentation
Made from the finest Vuelta Abajo tobacco, the Siglo II is inviting to look at, tender to touch and a treat to the palate. This Petit Corona sometimes seems out of place among the other more attractive Cohiba vitoles, but this small cigar works hard to make its mark. Cohiba have worked hard to give this smaller cigar a character all of its own. Honey and Cohiba’s trademark grassy qualities are clearly apparent in the first half of the smoke. The second and third phases release cocoa and vanilla beans on to the palate through an impressively thick smoke.
Before Smoke
It’s the most popular Havana format in the world. It’s dimensions are appropriate for any moment and it is the perfect cigar to have at all times.
It burns well. It has a woody taste with some harsher notes. The Siglo II does not offer a large variety of aromas and this is due to its size, but it is generally agreed to be one of the best Petit Coronas on the Cuban market.
After Smoke
A short final. Dry and spicy.