Cohiba short cigars – Finest Cuban Cigars For Sale
The Length of a Mini-The Width of a Purito
The Cohiba Short is a new addition to the family of affordable, machine made Cuban cigars. Each cigar is individually cellophane wrapped to ensure the cigars are fully protected and offer peak freshness when ready to be sampled. The extra ring gauge offers the opportunity to better enjoy the unique flavours.
The Cohiba Short is machine made from 100% Cuban tobacco to the classic Cohiba Blend. Each Cohiba Short is cellophane wrapped to maximise freshness and protection. In addition each short carries the distinctive Cohiba cigar band, and honour not lightly bestowed on any cigar.
Elegantly presented in stylish packs of 10 these cigars are proving to be increasingly popular as more and more people try them!
When you buy a cigar from The Cuban Brands Store you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality.