Do you want to buy Davidoff Yamasa Toro? you got the right shop. Applique store is one of the leaders in the cigars distribution. Davidoff Yamasa Toro is a priceless, full-flavored cigar in boxes of 12 or packs of 4. It receives its name from the region of Yamasa in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, this beautiful area stands out due to its ideal growing climate and mineral-rich soil. However, it was once unfit for tobacco growth.
After years of study, the master blenders and agricultural scientists transformed this region into tobacco farms. In fact, this unique creation has led to an exceptional formation and division of flavors within the cigar. With a 90 point rating, Yamasa is part of Davidoff Black Pillar that offers 3 different section flavor combinations in one cigar. You’ll be able to feel a mix of dried fruits, spices, coffee, cedarwood, and notes of black pepper. What are you waiting for to buy Davidoff Yamasa toro ? We offer davidoff yamasa toro for sale alongside many other cigar brands like daviddoff yamasa piramide and many others.
Davidoff Yamasa Toro For Sale
In a Davidoff Yamasa Toro cigar, each section is carefully selected and has a building character smoke. This Toro is 52 x 6″ in size. It starts with a scent of amaretto and some raisins and gradually enlightening aromas of nuts, earth, and some leather. Most of the exciting flavors are in the aftertaste, a special characteristic that makes the cigar desirable—quite a different aftertaste represented in each section, but no less interesting than the one before. Without a doubt, a complex and magical smoking experience that persists the need to let it rest. Unquestionably, the black-ringed, price-less Davidoff Yamasa Toro surpasses the white-ringed ones, as long as you are a fan of the strongest cigars. Enjoy the Davidoff Yamasa Toro box of 12 or pack of 4, available at Cigar Country!
Product Details
Product Type: Premium handmade cigars.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Yamasa features Piloto, Mejorado, Condega, and Esteli tobacco.
Strength Profile: Full body.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “A deep, complex blend slowly revealing a variety of unique flavors, with a mixture of sweetness likewise spicy flavor.”
Accolades: Blind Man’s Puff awarded Davidoff Yamasa a 90 point rating.
Created In: 2016
Made In: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Hendrik “Henke” Kelner
Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Furthermore, if you are interested in other sizes in this blend, please visit Davidoff Yamasa. To view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. However, for a smaller-sized cigar check out Petit Churchill. Lastly, always feel secured and safe to buy davidoff yamasa toro from us