Buy Cohiba Siglo IV Box of 25
The Cohiba Siglo IV itself is a Corona Gorda and has a vibe extremily like different cigars in the Siglo arrangement. Begining with a smooth pleasantness and a gentle flower smell, prompting mocha and bean flavors with a medium tobacco taste.
The Cohiba Siglo IV cigar was presented in 1992 alongside the other five Siglos to celebrate the 500th commemoration of Columbus’ underlying disclosure of Cuba. The arrangement was not accessible on the worldwide market until two years after the fact, nonetheless, as every cigar take two years to develop. The explanation Cohiba cigars are developed for such a long time is to accomplish a smooth and flavourful cigar, attributable to a third maturation measure one of a kind to Cubans.
Cohiba Siglo IV Box of 25 Presentation
This Corona Gorda has consistently increased in quality since its introduction in 1992 as part of the Siglo line. With the Siglo IV, Cohiba have a chance to show off what they do best; big and bold cigars. Perfect construction allows for an excellent draw and a balanced even burn. Recognizable Cohiba flavors of honey, vanilla and cedar are spiced up with hints of pepper and nuances of musk. The Cohiba Siglo IV is a feat of balance.
Before Smoke
This exceptional Puros has surprised us all. There is no doubt that the Siglo IV is classified among the greatest of the Corona Gorda’s.
Rich and complex aromas. Honey notes combined with a particular mild spiciness and rare aromas of humid Cuban cedar. This cigar is rich and powerful.
After Smoke
The bigger ring gauge gives for a solid finish.