Buy Cohiba Siglo III Box of 25
Notes of flame broiled vanilla consolidate with hot chocolate, profound cocoa and a trickle of stew to flavor up your tastebuds before they are cooled with the flavor of rich and velvety cowhide polymarised with a bit of new cream. A cigar best smoked after an extravagance dessert.
The Cohiba Siglo III Cigar is the champion of different cigars in the Siglo arrangement, with it’s particular flavors. The cigar is a crown grande developed for a long time in Cuba’s most well known El Liguito manufacturing plant, which is an ideal formula for it’s complexicity.
Cohiba Siglo III Box of 25 Presentation
Slightly larger than a normal corona. Its flavors grow with good food and it is a magnificent conversationalist. The elegance of this cigar lies in its precise construction and its defined aromas of grilled nuts, liquorice and new leather. This cigar has a size of its own. Longer than a traditional Corona, but with the same ring diameter, the Siglo III is very much a classical Havana, only without the headiness. The intense nature of this cigar at a young age will mellow with time.
Before Smoke
The Siglo III has an incredible regular draw and looks stunning to the eye.
A medium bodied Havana that delivers a smooth oily smoke, with hints of nutmeg and cinnamon on the palate. The second third is woody and will offer some gentle spicy notes.
After Smoke
Notes of sea salt and a smooth woody taste. It has a very pleasant, calm, rich and oily finale. It reminds me of the taste of sea food and ‘Provençal gastronomy’. We have original Cohiba Siglo III Box of 25 For Sale and we can deliver worldwide.